Marketing -Comercials

Mleko za telo sa WOW efektom, Dermatoloski testirano , zasnovano na misljenju 89% anketiranih, za osetljivu kozu sklonu iritaciji, maskara sa efektom vestackih trepavica, anticelulit i kreme za mrsavljenje... Samo neke od mnogobrojnih reklama koje svakodnevno gledamo i o kojima slusamo... Ove recenice probudice nadu da ce bas taj proizvod resiti problem koji osoba ima. Dakle umesto vestackih trepavica stavice maskaru ... Tadadada... Eto trepavica koje su 100 puta gusce, crnje, duze, i izvijenije. Onda namazemo anticelulit kremu koja je po misljenju anketiranog tela ( za koje nemamo podatke ko su, koji problem imaju, da li uopste imaju celulit, ili mnoge druge "detalje") redukovala celulit za samo 21 dan i tome slicno. E sad tako zategnuti i zavodljivih trepavica, stavljamo dezodorans za kozu sklonu iritaciji (koju su testirale neke osobe kojima je taj dezodorans mozda zaista odlican,ali da li one imaju takvu kozu,ili ne? ).
Mogla bih ovako da nabrojim jos mnogo proizvoda ali za sada zadrzacemo se na ovome, cisto da ostanemo fokusirani.

Ako postoji studija po kojoj je utvrdjeno da je neki proizvod zaista onakav kakvim se prikazuje na reklami, zasto ta studija nije dostupna potrosacima? Ako nam je dostupna svaka moguca informacija,zasto to ostaje samo na etiketi proizvoda, i nigde vise? Sta znaci da je neki proizvod namenjen za negu osetljive koze?
Trebalo bi da znaci da je njegovo dejstvo ispitano na takvoj kozi,ali mi to ne znamo, znamo da je ispitano ali kako i na kakvoj kozi ne znamo.
Ili krema koja cini kozu lepom kao kada ste imali 20 godina... Sta to znaci? To znaci da ce koza biti lepa! I tacka. Nema podataka o tome da se garantuje izgled koze kao sa 20,vec ce biti lepa kao sto je bila, sto opet nista ne mora da znaci. Moramo biti jako oprezni pri kupovini, tj ne oslanjati se previse na reklamu...

Znate li da je 2007 uveden zakon u nekoliko drzava da je zabranjeno stavljati modelima vestacke trepavice,ako reklamirate maskaru?! Mhm,da!

Imajte na umu ove stvari kada sledeci put krenete u kupovinu, i nemojte se voditi iskljucivo onim sto pise na samom proizvodu!

Da li ste nekad povedeni samo reklamom kupili nesto, i potom bili razocarani? Ili odusevljeni?

Body milk with a WOW effect, dermatologically tested, based on the opinion of 89% of respondents, for sensitive skin prone to irritation, mascara-effect of artificial eyelashes, anti-cellulite creams and weight loss ...
Only a few of the many commercials we see and hear everyday  ... These sentences will awaken the hope that just this product solve a problem that you have. So instead of artificial lash mascara we will put a mascara ... Tadadada ... The eyelashes that are 100 times thicker, darker, longer, and 100 times more curved! Right!

Then, a new top anti-cellulite cream that is in the opinion of the respondent body (for which we have no information who they are and what problem they have, if at all have cellulite, or many other "details") reduced cellulite in just 21 days and things like that. Now with so firm and cellulite-free body and seductive eyelashes, put deodorant for skin prone to irritation (tested by some person! We donćt know if that person,or couple of then, actually have sensitive skin or not.
I might like to mention still a lot of products but for now we'll keep on this, just to stay focused.
If there is a study by stating that a product is really what it shows in the commercial, why this study is not available to consumers? If we are available any information as possible, why it remains only on the product label, and nowhere else? What does it mean that a product is designed for sensitive skin care? 
It should mean that its effects were tested on such a skin, but we do not know, we know it's investigated but how and in what kind of skin do not know.Or cream that makes your skin beautiful as when you were 20 years ... What does it mean? This means that the skin be beautiful! That's it!. There is no information on how the product guarantee the appearance of skin as well as with 20, but will be beautiful as it was, which reallz doesn't mean much... We must be very careful when buying, that does not rely too much on advertising ...
Did you know that in 2007 introduced legislation in several states that it is forbidden to put artificial eyelashes to models if you are making a commercial for mascara ? Mhm, yeah!
Keep in mind these things when the next time you go shopping and do not take only what is written on the product itself!
Have you ever instituted only advertising purchased something, and then be disappointed? Or thrilled?


  1. Pravi sam naivni potrosac kad su ove stvari u pitanju.Iako znam da novi sampon uopste nije novi i unapredjen nego je samo promenjena bocica,opet na kraju zavrsim sa "novim " proizvodom:))
    Super je blogic,pratim te!:)

  2. JA I DALJE imam tu loreal reklamu gde mila jovovich ima vestake i u cosku malim slovima pise.. da su koriscene vestacke trepavice da bi se docarao efekat.. heheeh presmesno.. pratim te


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