Bronzed/brown look with a touch of turquoise

Kao sto sam obecala, jedan interesantan tutorial, pomalo neobican ali nosiv.
As I promised, here's one interesting tutorial, a bit unusual but wearable.

Puder i korektor ispod ociju i na kapcima/ Foundation and concealer under the eyes and over the lid

Obrve sam popunila senkama iz Priflame eyebrow seta i fiksirala sa malo voska iz seta
I have filled in my eyebrows with Oriflame eyebrow set and used a bit of wax from the palette

Prva senka koju stavljam je Bourjois u boji bronze vidite kako izgleda na levom oku- senka nezne bronzane boje sa dosta simera, na desnom sam dodala Artdeco braon senku 523 na spoljni deo pa do pola kaprka / First eyeshadow I put on is Bourjois in bronze it's the one you see on my left eye- gentle bronzey color with a lot of shimmer, and then I have added brown from Artdeco no. 523 on the outside corner

Kako ko voli, moze da napravi prirodan oblik, tj da tamnijom senkom napravi polukrug odnosno da prati oblik kapka, ovog puta sam napravila vise izvucen oblik ne bas cat eye jer nisam htela da koristim eyeliner ali nesto izmedju... 
You can take the darker color and make more like cat eye look with using eyeliner (which I didn't this time) and puting the shadow on the outer "V" or for more natural look follow the shape of your lid...

I added some more of that bronze color below the eyebrows just for shimmer

Sledece- crna senka iznad trepavica Artdeco 503 i na pregibu kapka za malo dramaticniji izgled i dobro izblendovati sa braon + tirkizna senka na donjem delu kapka unutrasnjeg dela oka, da doda malo boje i osvezi izgled, ako to ne zelite dodajte neku svetliju boju 
I used black eyeshadow Artdeco 503 on the eyelash line and on the crease and blend it, for more of a dramatic look, and then some turquoise to freshen things up a little bit. If you don't want it just put some light shadow instead

Then some mascara...

Nadam se da vam je intetesantno, komentarisite sta vam se svidja, sta bi voleli da vidite, i slicno! 
That's it for this time, hope you found this interesting, comment below about it, what you would like to see or anything!

Zelim vam divan ostatak vikenda!
Have a nice weekend!


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