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Pored mnostva informacija koje saznajemo o sminkanju, nezi, proizvodima, desava se da upravo to stvori zabunu ili da se pogresno protumace odredjeni saveti,pa kao rezultat moze doci  previse napadan ili ne prirodan izgled, sminka koja ne laska licu,godinama i osobi koja je nosi. Najcesce greske koje sam primetila nabrojacu ovde, pa cemo zajedno naci neko resenje :)

Previse ajlajnera, ili prejaka linija krejona, ostre linije

 Ako stavljate krejon,ajlajner... bilo sta tog oblika, nemojte ostavljati linije tako ostre i vidljive.
Izgleda grubo,ne prirodno, neuredno i dodaje godine. Probajte sa tanjom linijom,ili tamnijom senkom koju cete uklopiti uz ostalu sminku.

Previse iscrtane usne... Tu mislim da devojke cesto preteruju u zelji da im usne budu onakve kakve nisu pa preteruju,i previse ih uokviruju,ili ako ne to,koriste apsolutno bilo koju boju. Dakle boja olovke za usne treba da se slaze sa prirodnom bojom koze,ili karmina... Ne sa cipelama! Slika gore moze da nam posluzi i kao primer toga kako ne treba uokviriti usne,ali ima i mnooooogo gorih!

Previse ocupane obrve... Obrve su okvir lica,a previse tanke obrve cine lice starijim i ostrijim. Za mladoliki izgled preporucuju se punije,prirodnije obrve. U sledecem postu cemo o obrvama :)

Previse pudera i pogresna boja pudera. Previse tamna boja pudera odstupace od boje koze, dodaje godine vise od bilo cega sto sam do sad spominjala  (!) i naravno delovace ne prirodno. Boja mora biti sto bliza prirodnoj boji. Nemojte stavljati tamniji puder i tonu rumenila da bi izgledali tamnije, preplanulo ili sta god! Go with your skin tone!
Ukoliko postoje borice na licu, ne treba koristiti kameni puder, jer ce se on uvuci u borice i jos vise ih naglasiti.

Do citanja :)

In addition to the wealth of information that we learn about make-up, care, products, happens to be exactly what create confusion or to misinterpret certain advice, and as a result there could be too blatant or not the natural look, makeup that does not flatter the face, as well as those who carries. The most common mistakes that I noticed I will mention here, so we will together find a solution:)

Too much eyeliner or too much crayon lines, sharp lines

If you put crayon, eyeliner ... anything of that shape, do not leave lines so sharp and visible.

It looks rough, not natural, disorderly, and added years. Try it with thinner lines, or a darker shadow that will fit with the rest of makeup.

Lip drown too much ... I see that girls often exaggerate tring to make their lips look compleatelly different and frame them too much, or if not that, using absolutely any color. So color pencils for lips should be matching with the natural color of skin, or lipstick ... Not with shoes! Image above may serve us as an example of how not to frame your lips, but there are much worse examples!

Too thin eyebrows
Eyebrows frame the face, and too thin eyebrows make a person older and tougher. For a youthful appearance are recommended fuller, more natural brows. The next post will discuss the eyebrows:)

Too much powder and the wrong color foundation. Too dark color powder, adds a years more than anything I've mentioned so far (!) it does not, I repeat does not and will not ever look natural. Color of a founfation/powder should be as close to natural color. Do not put a darker tone powder and blush to look darker, tanned or whatever! Go with your skin tone!
If there are wrinkles on the face, do not use a stone foundation, because it will be drawn into fine lines and they will be more noticable.

What do you think what's the biggest mistakes in makeup?


  1. Jadna Pamela,ona je primer za sve pobrojano:))

  2. U principu da, ali to nije namerno,eto tako se potrefilo, a nije da sam imala nameru nju da ocrnim :) hahahahaaha....


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