I want nike heels
Apelujem na Miskovica da pod hitno izda otpremnicu i uveze Nike heels!
Da, nike je napravio cipele-patike-u svom stilu, a na stiklu! Znam da je izum vec postojeci, ali ovako nesto nije! To nisu patike kojima je samo dodata stikla, i ne izgledaju prosto, vec su vesele, originalne, i potpuno nosive. Prema informacijama koje sam mogla da pronadjem, pojavile su se krajem 2010, pa pretpostavljam da cemo pricekati da dodju kod nas, ali opet nadam se da proces nece biti uobicajeno spor... Drzim palceve :) Evo kako izgledaju neki moji favoriti...
I insist in Nike heels being imported as soon as possible!!!
Yes! Nike has made a snicker-shoe :) I know, they aren't the first, but they are the best! I did not like that kind of shoes, cause I thought that it looks just like someone added a heels o the snickers, I thought it was too simple, I just didn't like the models, the form... I didn't like anything...
But this shoes... oooh this shoes are a statement, they are cheer, well shaped, modern and wearable!
Information I have found are saying that they came out in the December 2010... I assume that we will have to wait till they get here, but I still wish and hope this proces will be shorter ... By the way I wish you would,I wish you would :) Those are some of my favorites...
I would sooooo wear them!
Da, nike je napravio cipele-patike-u svom stilu, a na stiklu! Znam da je izum vec postojeci, ali ovako nesto nije! To nisu patike kojima je samo dodata stikla, i ne izgledaju prosto, vec su vesele, originalne, i potpuno nosive. Prema informacijama koje sam mogla da pronadjem, pojavile su se krajem 2010, pa pretpostavljam da cemo pricekati da dodju kod nas, ali opet nadam se da proces nece biti uobicajeno spor... Drzim palceve :) Evo kako izgledaju neki moji favoriti...
I insist in Nike heels being imported as soon as possible!!!
Yes! Nike has made a snicker-shoe :) I know, they aren't the first, but they are the best! I did not like that kind of shoes, cause I thought that it looks just like someone added a heels o the snickers, I thought it was too simple, I just didn't like the models, the form... I didn't like anything...
But this shoes... oooh this shoes are a statement, they are cheer, well shaped, modern and wearable!
Information I have found are saying that they came out in the December 2010... I assume that we will have to wait till they get here, but I still wish and hope this proces will be shorter ... By the way I wish you would,I wish you would :) Those are some of my favorites...
I would sooooo wear them!
Joj ja nikako ne mogu da se naviknem na taj trend patika-cipela:(
ОдговориИзбришиPotpuno te razumem! I ja nisam volela to, i uvek mi je bilo bzv kad vidim one cipele kao starke sa stiklom... Ali ove su mi extra! :)
ОдговориИзбришиni meni se ne sviđa ;) pratimo se!!
ОдговориИзбришиPratim :)